
"Caesar's," they replied. Then he said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."
Dear ..., What a challanging verse! Which part is Caesar's, and which part is God's? Why do we have to give to both God and man? When do we give to God and to man? How much do we give to God and to man? Is this just a thought provoking phrase, or did He mean something? Was He speaking to us, or was He speaking to the religious leaders only? When do we know when it applies to our lives? Could we just glance over this passage and highlight the love stuff after? This verse appears to bring more questions. I know deep down that we should give to Caesar what he asks, and give to God what He asks, but sometimes it is hard when you have the smell of warm cookies in the air. Be good and be blessed.
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