Dear ...,
Jesus, just like GOD, said I AM. What does that mean? What does that look like? I AM. Like I am a person, or a duck, or water, or spirit, or breath, or everything, or above everything, yet with everything. Last night at the gathering we explored the daily office and we discussed John 8. The conversation between the Pharisees and Jesus was awesome. Jesus did not stop them, but encouraged them to discuss the topic at hand. They would question Jesus, and then Jesus would question them. Jesus did not shut them up or put them in their place, He simply spoke to them in about their topic. Finally He put them in their place, but He let them work through their situation. That's cool, God seems to do that with us, right? Looking at pretty people, overeating, drunkedness, laziness, coffee drinking, but it seems that Jesus helps us through these situations by convicting us, telling it how it is, and then helping us through it. Be good and be blessed.
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