

So, good news, I am going to get ordained on January 14th at Victory Tabernacle Church in Middlefield, CT. Yesterday, I met with Pastor Pete and we went over our vision and goals for the next six months. He said yes and amen to all the thing that we had planned. I am so excited! So, this means that we will be starting our Sunday gatherings on May 6th in a rented facility. Throughout the next few months we will be exploring new children church programs and learning them, as well as beginning to teach them. I have a lot more to say, but I am saving it for the month of January. All of January I will be dream casting. Also, we will be having a guest speaker. I hope to see you at one of our gatherings. Bring a friend. Be good and be blessed.

It isn't really in depth stuff, but it's on my heart and I want to scream it from the top of Case Mountain.