
What is awareness? What do we need to be aware of? How do we become more aware of something? These are some of the questions that I am grappling with as I prepare a talk for the leadership at the church I attend. I have determined that awareness is simply the act of knowing something; being conscious of something. I was taught that awareness is like an iceberg; 10% of the iceberg is out of the water, this is awareness, the stuff that you can see. It's like Mose at the burning bush, one minute he was walking with his father-in-laws flock and the next minute the ground he was walking on was holy. Did the ground really become holy in a matter of minutes, or did Mose become aware that the ground was always holy? Awareness comes about by intentionally engaging someone or something to see a bigger picture. Take Mose and God's story at the burning bush, God told Moses that the ground he was on is holy (knowledge of, or become conscious of something). Be good and be blessed. Peace.
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